Amerikans prestationsutmärkelse!
Kolla här, vad som väntade i min skolmail nyss:
Dear Linda,
I am pleased to inform you that you have earned a place on the
Dean1's list for your excellent academic performance during the Fall
2008 semester. This is an accomplishment of which you can be proud.
Congratulations on this noteworthy achievement. I wish you continued
success in your studies and endeavors at Berklee.
Lawrence E. Bethune
Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students
Coolt va?
Jag är så himla grym, min första superduperamerikanska utmärkelse! Hurra hurra hurra!
Dear Linda,
I am pleased to inform you that you have earned a place on the
Dean1's list for your excellent academic performance during the Fall
2008 semester. This is an accomplishment of which you can be proud.
Congratulations on this noteworthy achievement. I wish you continued
success in your studies and endeavors at Berklee.
Lawrence E. Bethune
Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students
Coolt va?
Jag är så himla grym, min första superduperamerikanska utmärkelse! Hurra hurra hurra!
Postat av: W
Haha, GRATTIS!!!
Postat av: Ella
Jag är inte det minsta förvånad, men likaväl oerhört stolt och imponerad.
Du ÄR grym!
Postat av: Freyja