22:22 A dream is just a preview to a goal

The time is 22:22 when I start writing this. I'm from Sweden so I use 24 hours. When I was  around 10 years old my best friend was kind enough to tell me that every time I looked and saw that the time was 22:22, I should make a wish and it would come true. So now I've made a wish. I'm really happy that she told me this, otherwise I would probably be stuck in a really boring life where dreams were just something that could never happen. I know now that dreams are just a preview to a goal.

I still don't know if it's ok to tell someone about the wish I made, or if it's supposed to be a secret. I have a theory about this whole "if you tell someone it won't come true"-thing: If I make a wish it's probably going to be about something I would like to take place in my life or change in my life. Sometimes we're not very sincere about making wishes that are for us only, we can be blinded by the ego and wish for things just to impress others. I can give you an example, I could make my wish in two different ways:

1. I want to write songs for a living.
2. I want to be a famous songwriter who writes songs for Britney Spears and Madonna.

In wish no.1 I'm keeping all doors open, I just want to write songs because I love it and therefore I want to do it for a living. That could mean that I'll be writing songs for Britney Spears or Madonna, it could also mean that I'll be writing jingles for diaper commercials.
In wish no.2 I probably have some people in mind who I want to impress, so right after I planted the wish in my head I start to talk about it. Like a real amateur, instead of doing I talk. And in my theory THAT'S when your wish doesn't come true, if you believed it you wouldn't talk about it more than you work for it and if you don't believe, it won't come true.

Wish no.2 could be a really good wish, it has a fair chance of coming true but only in the hands of someone who would still wish for it even when there was no one to impress.

So, what do you think about that theory? Have you ever had a wish come true?

Och det går finfint att kommentera på svenska... :-)

Postat av: tella

Näää, din blogg får inte bli engelsk nu. tänk på oss stackarns svenskar som bara är van med gymnasiets engelska och måste se filmer med textning annars fattar vi inget ;)

2009-04-23 @ 06:34:24
URL: http://tellas.blogg.se/
Postat av: Jossan

Jag tror att det ligger en hel del i din teori. Lite är det väl också; "om du gnäller om något, så har du accepterat problemet". Så om du talar om drömmen som en dröm, så kanske du har accepterat den som just det, en dröm.

2009-04-23 @ 09:34:37
URL: http://josefinloof.blogg.se/
Postat av: petra

fortsätt drömma:) önska önska.. hihi. vilken fin blogg du har! kram från petra

2009-04-23 @ 13:39:38
URL: http://frokenpe.blogg.se/

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